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Check These Things Before Calling a Garage Door Repair Service

No one wants to keep shoveling out money that they don’t have to have repairs made to a garage door. Unfortunately, when you have a problem with your garage door, you don’t have the liberty of just leaving it and attending to it later. Doing this can be very dangers. This is why you should have the problem addressed immediately. Your garage door is extremely heavy and if it falls down on you or someone else, it could prove fatal.

There is normal wear and tear on your garage door that will make some things unavoidable. Then you have to consider the things, such as weather, that may cause your garage door to malfunction. While something like the weather affecting your garage, door isn’t something that many people would even think about, it does and that is why we are mentioning it. Your door might start to have mechanical problems that never existed before. These things could happen at any time, which is why we also encourage our customers to have their garage door serviced annually. 

When and if you start to see some issues with the way that your garage door is operating, don’t be alarmed. There are garage door professionals who are able to effectively resolve the problem for you. However, be advised that there are also some things that you can do before contacting a garage door service that might help you to avoid having to rely on one at all. While we welcome your business, we also know that not everyone can afford to continue to have their garage door serviced.

Identify the Cause of the Trouble

Your garage door has a lot of mechanical parts that will enable your garage door to continue to work. The more parts there are the more chances there are for something to go wrong. The garage door has springs and rollers, both of which could experience a problem when you least expect it. There are even instances where you might experience a problem with them at the same time. However, by identifying the specific problem, you may be able to avoid the expense of having us come to solve the problem. The first thing that we suggest that you do, when troubleshooting is close the garage door and watch how it operates. If it stalls or jumps when closing it then this means that you have a problem with the rollers. If you’re noticing a strange sound that you can’t identify when you are putting your door back down, you must find out where the sound is coming from.

There really isn’t a whole lot that you can do until you have identified where the sound is coming from. In many cases, the problem is due to an issue with the garage door opener. If you have a new garage door opener then this could still be the case. It would just be necessary to have a professional assess the problem at this point. In most cases a new garage door opener is not going to resolve the issue. If your garage door opener is working today but it didn’t work yesterday, this is a real problem that should be addressed. When it is discovered the problem that you are experiencing involves your garage door opener, it is best to rely on a reputable garage door to service it for you. They are equipped to make any of the necessary adjustments needed to resolve the issue. If a new garage door opener is needed, they will be able to make this determination at that time.

Solving the Issue 

While it may be easier to call a garage door service, it isn’t always affordable. If you are having trouble with your garage door but can’t afford to have the finances to call a garage door service then you should know that there are some options available to you. This would be a good time to make good use of the owner’s manual that came with your garage door. This is where you will find common issues and fast fixes for your garage door problems. Even though this is the most logical resource, many homeowners forget about it. This is why we are bringing it to your attention. When you are having trouble with your garage door, evaluate the tracks and rollers. If you’re having trouble with the door rolling over the track, this is definitely a problem. You track are also prone to getting dents in them. You can gently tap the dents out with a mallet. Your owner’s manual will likely have a section about your tracks and rollers and common issues. When you have misaligned tracks, your door will have trouble moving. You might be able to just remove the screws where the track is misaligned and tap it into place. This is easier said than done but the owner’s manual should be able to walk you through the steps of how to do it properly. 

There are some homeowner’s who will simply refrain from using their garage until they can identify why they are experiencing problems with their garage. This is advisable to do, especially if you are still having trouble with it. You can also just wait and give us a call to assess the problem but this entire article is about what how you can troubleshoot before even contacting us to handle the job for you.
